Interest Income Lave om Dato
Cintas USD 769K 347K 2023-09
Corrections Corporation of America USD 2.8M 100K 2023-09
GEO USD 4.01M 2.69M 2023-12
Hospitality Properties USD 5.63M 2.16M 2023-09
ISS 40M 4M 2023-06
SBA Communications USD 5.54M 274K 2023-12
Serco GBP 1.3M 700K 2022-12
Vornado Realty USD 14.17M 1.24M 2023-12

Corrections Corporation of America Renteindtægter - Aktuelle værdier, historiske data, prognoser, statistik, diagrammer og økonomisk kalender - May 2024.